A science-based process used to determine how an accident occurred.

3D Accident Reconstruction Expert

If you've been in an accident, you know how hard it can be to get the compensation you deserve. Code 3 has your back.

Crash Reconstruction: Determining How an Accident Occurred

Crash reconstruction is the practice of determining how an accident occurred through the analysis of evidence and application of physics principles.

Crash reconstruction is a complex process that requires detailed knowledge of physics principles and a thorough understanding of how different types of vehicles react in real-world situations.

Throughout an investigation, Jayson Uribe utilizes his connections in the forensics industry to help recreate an accident/scene based upon detailed findings. This has proven to be a turning point when trying to win a case, because it gives the jury and judge a visual representation to back up the results.

At Code 3 Consultations, we have the ability to tailor the reconstruction to best suit your needs, as well as create different scenarios for you to utilize. 

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